Hello, and welcome to the Champagne Lounge. Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Champagne Lounge podcast. I'm here today with the wonderful Hayley Osborne. Hayley and I met through another community group, her empire Builder, both building online courses, doing some awesome stuff, and we both move at the speed of light, so welcome to the show, Hayley. Hi, Rebecca.
Thanks for having me on your podcast. It is an honor to be here. I am so excited for this conversation because you and I do move at the same speed. I think, like, we both move very fast, get stuff done in ridiculously short timeframes. So I would love to know.
Obviously, I've only known you now for a couple of months, both inside her empire Builder and as part of the Champagne Lounge community, but I don't fully know your backstory, so give me a bit of a nutshell. Where did Hayley come from, and what brought you to where you are today? Yes. So, I'm Hayley Osborne. I run a business called Hayley Osborne Cleverly, and I help people position themselves in the market to get more high quality leads and inquiries into their business.
And I've been doing this for about six years as a sole business owner, but I've got maybe, like, almost 16 years of brand and marketing experience. I come from a brand background. I've managed some of the biggest alcohol brands in the world, and I love what I do. I absolutely love it. I used to have a fashion label, and I was nominated for emerging Designer of the Year back in 2000, and I don't even want to say eight or nine.
And I also have a candle business, and I have this business, and in my years of being a marketer in corporate and running sort of side hustles, which they were along the way, I would get asked all the time by business owners that I would meet. Like, what do you do during the day? La la la. And slowly, slowly, I built up a lovely client list without even having a business. And here we are now.
So I've been really lucky. I work with some of the biggest brands in Australia under my hood. I also have a beautiful membership, which is called Superhero Marketing, and it helps you to get clear on what marketing strategies and activities that you need to do, giving you the biggest growth in your business with the least amount of time and effort. Because, Rebecca, we do move at the speed of light, and there's not a lot of time to do all the things. So if you kind of given the instructions on a silver platter by someone who's really seasoned like myself, that's part of the battle.
Right? So it's my job to make things really easy for small business owners, and that's kind of my backstory in a nutshell. I'm a mama, but I want to make it really clear that I'm a businesswoman who has children, not the other way around. I love that on that one. Yeah, because you know what I'm talking about, right?
I know exactly what you're talking about. And as someone who has chosen not to have kids, I don't do the kid conversations. So you're in the right place for business, literally. Yeah, and I've been doing this far before that, so the business is like my first child, right? And so it's just the way it is.
And I say that really proudly because I don't subscribe to that notion of the other way around. I just can't. It's not my zone, it's not my vibe. And I do believe that your vibe attracts your tribe. And I really believe that's probably why we're talking to each other today as well.
You know how you just magnetize for. Some people 100% why we're talking today? Because energy attracts energy, right? Like, it's just the same wavelength and yeah, I love it. And that's exactly why we're talking today and exactly why we're in each other's orbits in so many different ways.
Now, you've said that you're helping business owners, small and medium, to navigate marketing and give them a bit of a roadmap, which I love because I do love a good cheat sheet, a good guide, a good give me some swipe copy here and one, two, three, step here and it's done. But you never probably had that yourself when growing your businesses, right? So where did you learn how to do business along the way? Did you find someone to give you those cheat sheets? Or have you done some typical entrepreneurial journey of huge are highs and huge lows at the same time?
I think I would say I've learned the hard way. And I wish that I had invested in myself and backed myself sooner in business, because I know that as soon as I did and there's a little bit of vomit in your mouth when you pay money to get help, right? It's like, oh, but what happens is the trajectory to get where you want to go is like the speed of light. And that is the most important part for me, because time is money and you don't know what you don't know, but there's other people that can help you. And if you're serious about growing your business, then that investment, it's nothing in the end, because you're no longer going to sweat about the things that you don't know, because you do.
And sometimes there's light bulb moments that go off, right? And you're like, Why wasn't I doing that sooner? God damn it. That is such a simple thing. If only I'd known that before, that would have been really helpful.
You said you had the fashion label, right? So did you close that down because you kind of got bored with it? It got a bit too hard. Where did that sort of fizzle out for you? Yes.
So it all started, I was making clothes for myself. I was young, I would wear them to clubs, I would get asked in the toilets, where did you get that outfit from? La la la. I made it. I didn't have any formal sewing experience and I thought, this could be something, right?
I would have been like 22 or 23 maybe. And I thought, okay, I'm going to sew some, I'm going to open up a market stall at my local market. I'm going to see if they sell sold out. Okay, great. The next month, I did the same thing.
The same thing? The same thing. And then, as you do, I got approached by a couple of shops to stock my label. And then I got approached by someone so out of the blue who had national distribution. And then I was like, right, I probably should get some sewing experience and actually learn properly how to do this.
Because I was sort of just I'm really creative by nature. And so I did, I got a diploma in fashion design and then I manufactured in China. I had national stockists and I got burnt bad because I was so young and naive that I did make money, but not some serious profit. And I think in the fashion industry, it is a very fickle industry. It is an industry where I lost all of I was stripped of my creativity because you have to release a new collection six to twelve months before the actual season.
So think about you're designing winter in summer 2022. For winter 2023, the lead time is huge. And then in terms of people paying invoices and things, I wasn't prepared for the big guys to say, right, thank you for the invoice, but we will pay it 90 days from date of invoice. And I didn't know I was so young and naive and I was like, you know what, I love fashion and I'm not prepared to lose myself. So I shut it down.
And don't forget, back then, that would have been 2008 nine. There was no Instagram, so you won't find me because Instagram started in 2009. I know it feels like it's been forever, but that's the reality of it. And Facebook had just started brand pages and so you can't find it anywhere because it was so long ago and that's what happened. And I vowed to myself that the next time that I would if I never imagined I'd be in this position.
But now my business is a success and I am able to do it all because I have the know how. And I've got a strategy and I've got a plan on how I'm going to reach my seven figures because that's what I want to do. Yeah, that's kind of where it started and where it ended, because the industry just wasn't my vibe. Wasn't your vibe. And obviously things have changed so much now, right?
So if I was to ask you what lessons did you learn from that? Would they potentially, possibly not directly cookie cutter into something that someone could take as a lesson or a learning now because of how much technology and socials have? Absolutely. I remember hitting the pavement in Melbourne, looking for potential stockist matches that would be a good fit for me, like physically going there and walking around for the brand because there was no instagram, there was no way apart from lookbooks to send them in the post. And, yeah, there was websites and things, but even then, websites aren't what they are now.
And I know I'm talking like it's like the dinosaur age, but it's not that long ago. And so, yeah, I definitely learned back then that without a solid plan, a strategy and knowing your numbers, but also, I think when you're young, you don't know the right questions to ask in business, and things have changed a lot. So that just takes me back to you don't know what you don't know. And I'm far wiser now.
We all are after a couple of decades in the business, aren't we? Like, oh, still learning some lessons, but we're definitely wiser than we were at the beginning. The Champagne Lounge isn't just a podcast. It's an instant digital community for ambitious businesswomen and entrepreneurs like you, wanting more connection, community and celebration. So wherever you are in the world, whatever stage of business you're at, if you're looking for that ultimate female cheer squad of like minded women, head over to thechampainlounge.com to come and join us.
You mentioned very briefly that you have a candle business. So do you make candles? Do you manufacture them offshore? Tell me about that, because I went to a friend's house the other day and she said, oh, I started a candle business because I wanted to see how it would work from an ecommerce SEO perspective in the back end. And I'm like, okay, I love you dearly, but all these candles in your garage.
And so we have a little bit of a laugh about that. So tell me about the candle business. Have you just still got a love for making product and having some of the creativity in a physical.
Had? Like, I lived in Sydney for five years and that was my corporate catapult into an amazing marketing role and brand role. And then my brother had a baby and I decided to move back to Adelaide. And the opportunities here weren't at the time as much when it came to brand management because most head offices are out of Melbourne and Sydney. And so I, in the meantime, decided I had an opportunity to have a little pop up shop that didn't cost me anything, and I was like, Maybe I'll make candles.
I've always kind of wanted to. And I had been in contact with a jar supplier. Like, all these things kind of fell into place that were leading me down that path. And so I had a pop up shop, I thought I could make some money here and it was more about the money than it was about the product, but I thought that would be really easy to make. And then it grew and morphed into this ridiculously big business.
So much so that it's called Hayley Kate. It's still around, the website is still there, but I can't do all the things. I can't have a one year old and a two year old and a really successful business here and do that too. And also, making candles is not very safe for little people. And so I would have a pop up every Christmas at Westfield and I would do so know all of my products are I've had all packaging done.
It's a stunning product. I have a personalized candle range as well, and I kind of weave that into my gift giving a little bit throughout. Hayley Osborne this business, which I love, but I don't make them and call a spade a spade. Like when I get orders online now, I don't market the brand at all because time versus money. My expertise is better off helping small business be amazing rather than running my candle business.
And I just wasn't prepared to put in the effort, so I just sort of stopped it. And I'd love to sell the business, actually. So if anyone's listening and wants to buy a candle, business is a whole. Nother thing to go through as a business owner. That's right, I know.
I love doing all the things, it's just give it to a busy person and it will get done.
It's a beautiful brand and I no longer wanted to make candles and the scents were getting up my nose a little bit. Here we are. And then come one Christmas, this is how it all stopped. So it was leading into Christmas and I would have been like, I don't know, seven months pregnant. And I thought, I can't do it, I just can't do it.
It's not feasible. I can't run two businesses and be pregnant at the same time. And at that point, I was working for myself, I had been for a couple of years and I was kind of doing both. And then I think when you have a business that is so close to you, you hold onto it, but you're not sure if you're holding onto it for the right reasons. That kind of was a nice realization for me.
It was like, Hang on a minute, just because you can doesn't mean you should. One of those ones that you really as soon as someone says it to you, you're like, yeah, I know, but I still want to try all the things, I still want to do it all. It's the slowing down, isn't it? And working out, actually, where to put the energy for maximum return. Whether that's from a financial success point or energetical success point, I would say, yeah.
And I'm sure everybody listening to this can agree to some point or another in their lives where you get to a crossroads with your business, something you love, and you're like, oh, I think it's time. And that takes putting on your big girl pants to realize that you need to move on, rebrand, reskin, go back deep, have a look what's working, what doesn't work, cut your losses here, move on to something bigger and better. And it is really hard to do, but I think as you grow and as you become more seasoned in business, it gets easier and you can move through things quicker, which I think is the part that defines you as a business owner and how you handle it. And then the story when you get to the other side is cool, right? Like I'm telling you now.
Yeah, 100%. And I have a poster not on my desk always that says slow down to speed up because so many times I'll just be running, running. Shiny thing. Shiny thing. I can do it all.
And then actually just pause for a bit and just see if it's all working or if it's not working. Now, along that whole journey, my personal background, building my business over ten years is I've always had the right tribe around me, the right group of people supporting me and cheering me on. Where has community or I like to call cheerleading. Your cheerleaders and your tribe, how have they had an impact on you and your businesses as you've progressed over the last decade? Yeah, so I have a group of friends, and I love them dearly, but none of them run businesses.
And so I was plodding along minus a community for a really long time. And I do have my family, who my brother's in business, my partner's in business, and that's all well and good, but there was no real strong women running big businesses around me. And so I had to invest in that. And so much so in my journey. That was the catalyst for starting the membership because I wanted to create something for myself and being out of Adelaide that I could build and create and have that.
And I have done that now through superhero marketing, which I love. And so circling back, I never had that until I obviously joined the group, the her empire builder that you're a part of. And I realized, wow, there are people like me. Oh, my. You know, that's something that I cherish.
And then when I obviously you and I spent time in Port Douglas together, when you stood up and spoke, I was like, you're my people. And then when you opened up the Champagne Lounge, I feel like when you do something just from watching you from afar and stalking you from afar, I want to be a part of what you create. And I know that now. That community is massive. And I've only known that the last two years, but it is what helps businesses grow, and strong women support strong women, and they connect women, and they back them.
And I have been the receiving end and the giving end to that, and I could not be more proud.
Thank you. Well, thank you right back. It's so true and so well articulated in that strong women support strong women, and we can go and do more and much more and much better things and have much more of an impact on our families, on society, on the world. If we're supporting each other and cheering each other on, but also picking up the pieces when things don't quite go to plan, that's always part of the fun of being in a community space. Now, one of the things that I love to ask people as I wrap up an episode of the podcast is, how do you celebrate the wins?
Right? Like, we are constantly striving to the next, and we can very easily go, yes, I've done that. Nailed that. Done 50 episodes of the podcast. Yes.
Going to get to 100. Now, we never really stop and smell the roses or appreciate the hard work that we've actually done. So, Hayley, how do you mark your milestones, and how do you celebrate when you get to them and smash those goals? To be quite honest, I have to get better at that because it's not something that I do well, because I am an overachiever, and I do always again, it's like, I did 50 episodes. Now what am I going to do for 100?
And so I'm actually going through the process now of figuring out what that looks like. And as I'm speaking to you right now, I'm actually getting married in a few days, and so all of my efforts have been going into that. But I am approaching 100 episodes on my own podcast, which you are coming on as a guest, and I do want to put some lines in the sand as to how I will celebrate those things. So I do believe that self care is really important. At the end of every month, I was trying for a really long time to book in massage, facial type of thing, because that's my celebration of myself.
I do love champagne, and so I'm not afraid to say I do love a glass of bubbles. I love that, and it just makes me feel fancy, and I don't drink heaps, but I think it's fine. I think anything in moderation is wonderful. And so, celebrating the wins, I've got to get better at it. And it's a strong message that I'm sure a lot of other women in business who try and do all the things have to get better at it as well, at putting yourself first, being selfish.
I love it selfish. I've got one on my vision board that's on my computer. It says very clearly in the corner, self care isn't selfish. That's hard to say, isn't it? Self care isn't selfish because it's so important to keep our energy up and our cups filled and to just acknowledge how far we've come and what we're doing.
And I look forward to helping you navigate how to add those celebratory moments in, because they don't always need to have champagne. We don't need to drink copious amount. No. How do you celebrate your wins? For me, I've got two types of ways I do that.
I've got my postit notes on champagne bottles in my fridge, so they're kind of like my big goals that I'm really striving for. So right now, 52 podcasts in 52 weeks is one of the ones for me. I've got a target to get to 1000 ladies inside the Champagne Lounge because that, to me, would just be amazing to hit like a four figure milestone of people that I know I've had a direct impact on. So that's in the fridge. But I also do one per quarter based on predominantly based on revenue.
My quarterly targets are revenue based, and if I hit them and hit the profit margins, I give myself a prize. Sometimes it's a handbag, sometimes it's a spa day, sometimes it's a trip somewhere, which I probably would have done anyway, to be honest. But it's kind of like giving myself that reward to say, yeah, you've nailed that. So I wouldn't spend a few thousand dollars on a handbag or a trip or whatever it was unless I had the money there to do it. So it's kind of like that acknowledgment to myself that I nailed it.
I've paid all the proper bills and now I can have fun. Yeah, that's great. It's something to strive for, isn't it? I love it. The micro ones, it could be as very simple as doing a walk with the dog sometimes of just, I've nailed that.
I've managed to achieve it. So, yeah, lots of ways to celebrate it doesn't need to cost a lot. Do a lot involve alcohol? All the time. So plenty of things to do.
Hayley, I have absolutely loved having you on today's show. I feel that we have touched on so much of an entrepreneurial, up and down journey of different businesses. And I know that through superhero marketing and your work that you do one on one with clients, you're transforming the way that people market their businesses. So I'll make sure that all those links for you are going to be in the show notes. Thank you for being part of the community, part of my world, and for coming on the show.
Thank you. Thanks, Rebecca. Thanks for having me. Thanks for listening to the Champagne Lounge podcast. If you'd love to be part of our thriving global community, head over to thechampaignlounge.com to join us.